Learning To Balance Between Your Present And Future Needs

Financial Planner in Delhi

“We are 40 Juhi. I have been quite happy since I have you in my life. One thing that has been bothering me since we visited my parents last year is about our retirement planning! Aruna will be turning ten this September – we seriously need to start saving for her higher education abroad. What do you think?”, Arvind said to Juhi during their morning walk.

“You are right Arvind, let’s get started with our regular savings into ELSS funds – this shall also help us in saving some tax. The other day I got a call from my bank. They were talking about this cool ULIP. I think it’s a good option for investment with risk cover!” replied Juhi.

“Arvind, the way technology is getting integrated into our lives it’s important for us to make sure of online safety for Aruna.”, Juhi looked at Arvind with a hint of concern in her voice.

“Juhi, you are working towards a good cause by educating parents & teachers about the online safety for kids through your organization.” Arvind said proudly.

“Yeah, Arvind but I also want to do independently much more for the upcoming generation of this society by protecting kids online. I hear so many online child exploitation cases. I feel together we should do something towards it.” Juhi suddenly becoming more excited about her future plans.

Juhi continued, “We are 40 Arvind. Are we doing enough for our financial freedom and our regular travel plans after that? Higher education abroad for Aruna with our savings & policy investments don’t seem adequate. What about our plan towards our social cause? I am also a little concerned about cash sitting idle in our savings account. Do you think we have better options?”

“Hey Juhi, Our neighbour Rina is a CA. Let me check with her for some insights into our finance.”, Arvind said trying to allay Juhi’s fears.

It is more than two and a half years since Juhi & Arvind signed up with IGR Consultants for a one-stop solution to all their financial requirements. They were referred by Rina, their neighbour.

In Juhi and Arvind’s own words, “We are much more confident about our goals & know the plan ahead for us. Aruna’s education abroad and our travel plans after that are clear”.

Working with them, three things came out very clearly: 1. They don’t want to settle down in a big city. 2. They want to contribute to society 3. They want to travel regularly

Juhi & Arvind’s plan & purpose of life is to contribute towards society through awareness and tools on safe & secured online access for kids & youth. Arvind who is an engineer and into aviation spends a lot of time investigating and finding out ways to offer online safety and security to kids. Juhi who was working for an NGO now has her own firm which specifically looks into creating awareness related to online safety. Both Juhi & Arvind are quite passionate about their social cause of offering an upright generation to the society and plan to settle down in a small town after all financial obligations for Aruna are met. Juhi & Arvind are traveling more often, now that they have a retirement plan in place.

A risk-managed portfolio aligned to your goals gives you a peaceful sleep at night. As Juhi quoted, “I am glad my portfolio is being managed by people who understand us. We are more at peace.

With standalone term insurance and health insurance as per their requirement, the family feels secure and content that they are not leaving money on the table for others.

Juhi & Arvind didn’t realize the importance of consolidation of financial documents & information until IGR Consultants discussed the need for succession planning and WILL creation. IGR Consultants helped them in creating a consolidated file of their financial information. Consolidation & documentation of financial information is always a must to do for all.

Today, the couple is leading not only a good & happy life, but also a peaceful & satisfying life which is being taken care of on the financial front as well as on the emotional front. The family knows that the aspirations that they have will be realized through their financial freedom plan.

Juhi and Arvind started their financial freedom journey two and a half years back and expect to achieve it in the next 6-8 years’ time frame by the time Aruna is settled. When are you starting yours?